“I don’t have anything holding me back.”

— Kelda Latham

Kelda was stopped by a police officer late in the evening in October 2006. It wasn't her first encounter with the officer.

He told her that she was the only junky he knew who spoke as well as she did.

In that moment, Kelda knew that she was done.

She was tired, hungry, angry, and lonely. She felt that the real her, in her soul, was not a junky. It was time to rewrite her story.

She was convicted and paid for her mistakes. As she began to rebuild her life, she applied for a position in the sporting goods section of a store.

Kelda didn’t get the job because her felony conviction made it illegal for her to sell firearms.

She had plans to pursue her HR Certification or a master's degree, but how could she do that if she couldn’t even get a job in the sporting goods section?

It was time for a transformation.

Now, Kelda is the general manager of a coffee shop. She loves yoga and living an active lifestyle.

She worked with our firm to get an expungement and erase her past. At the hearing, the judge was amazed by her story. He granted her expungement without hesitation.

"17 years later, and all this hard work has paid off and I'm free of that," Kelda said.

Now, her story is not one of a convicted felon. It's the story of who she really is.

“Everything that everyone sees now is all of who I am now. If they can’t see it, it’s because it’s not there. It doesn’t exist anymore.”

If you’re ready to turn the page and put your past mistakes behind you, take our free Expungement Eligibility Quiz to see if you're a candidate for an Oklahoma expungement.

Put Your Past Behind You

The first step is taking our free eligibility quizzes to see if you’re a candidate for an expungement and/or pardon in Oklahoma.