Invest In Your Future By Erasing Your Past

with a Pardon or Expungement.


You deserve to move past your mistakes.

We offer expungements and pardons at fair rates to help you invest in your future by erasing your past™️.

Expungements & Pardons

Many people don’t even know that they’re eligible for an expungement. Others live for years without their constitutional rights.

We specialize in cleaning slates so you can move forward with your life.


What is an Expungement?


Among Best Criminal Defense Lawyers in Oklahoma City

Criminal Defense Lawyers in Oklahoma City

As If It Never Happened


Benefits of an Expungement:

  • Employment opportunities

  • Education

  • Privacy

  • Housing

  • Business/professional licensing

  • Federal Assistance

  • Adoption

  • Volunteering

  • Loans

  • Insurance


Benefits of a Pardon:

  • Restore firearm ownership rights

  • Ability to hold public office

  • Employment opportunities

  • Business/professional licensing

  • Travel internationally

  • Only way to get an expungement for a violent conviction

  • Only way to get an expungement if you have more than 2 felony convictions

  • Can make it quicker to get an expungement for non-violent conviction


What past clients are saying:

“Clean Slate was absolutely wonderful to work with, and we had zero problems. Clean Slate did exactly what they said they were going to do. My record is absolutely clean now.”

— Douglas M.

“Clean Slate walked through every step with me. They went above and beyond to help me understand what was going on at every stage of the process.”

— Matthew H.

Cleaning Your Slate is as Easy as 1, 2, 3

1. Fill out our free Eligibility tool

2. Get in touch with Clean Slate to talk about your case

3. Clean your record