Is the Cost to Expunge My Criminal Record Worth It?

People often worry that getting an expungement will take a lot of their time or that it will be difficult. They put it off because they think it’s going to be too expensive or that the benefits just won’t be worth it.

However, we can’t count the number of times we’ve heard our clients say, “That was so much easier than I thought it would be,” or “I should have done this years ago.”

Instead of letting the stigma of a criminal record hang over you, erase it with an expungement. Read on for just a few of the reasons why an expungement is MORE than worth the investment.

Pro: Easier Job Search

People with criminal convictions often face collateral consequences. These are barriers or punishments that people face after completing their court-ordered sentence. For example, people convicted with a DUI are usually not eligible for a CDL license, even after completing their sentence. Other collateral consequences are reduced eligibility for government benefits, business licenses, housing, and more.

People with felonies are usually affected more severely than those with misdemeanor convictions. However, in a competitive job market, even a misdemeanor may be reason enough for an employer to pass you over for someone else.

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An expungement opens up your job opportunities because it erases your criminal conviction. You no longer have to check “yes” in the box asking if you have any felony or misdemeanor convictions.

You’ll also be able to apply for professional and business licenses with confidence.  

Pro: Remove the Stigma

We had a client who had been volunteering for a local church. Once they found out about his criminal record, they asked him to stop volunteering.

Has something like that ever happened to you when someone found out about your criminal conviction? You aren’t the same person you were back then, but people still judge you based on a mistake you made in the past.

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One of the best ways you can invest in yourself is to get rid of the heavy weight of your past. An expungement can help you remove the stigma that comes with a criminal record. You can finally stop worrying about what will happen if someone finds out about your record because it’ll be sealed.

Pro: Get a Loan or Rental

Banks are cautious about who they lend to, and a criminal record could be a red flag on your mortgage or business loan application. 

It’s also easy for landlords to run a public background check online. They may make assumptions about your character if they discover your record. When they judge you based on a stereotype, they’re more likely to deny your rental application.

With an expungement, you don’t even have to mention that an incident used to be on your record. You can legally say that you have a clean record and avoid having your loan red-flagged or having your rental application turned down. 

Pro: Any Charge Can Be Expunged

In the past, there were certain types of convictions that were not eligible for expungements in Oklahoma. However, a recent change in the law has made it possible to expunge any type of offense if it’s been pardoned first

With the new rules, any mistake has the opportunity to be erased. If you’ve been putting off your expungement because you didn’t think you were eligible, now may be the perfect time to get started. 

Pro: It Takes Almost NONE of Your Time

We can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard people say that they want to get an expungement, but that they just don’t have the time.

When you work with our team, the process is very easy. Many of our clients have been surprised at how little of their personal time it actually takes. In fact, most of our clients don’t even have to be present at their expungement hearing (unless they want to be). 

We love meeting clients in person, but we also offer flexible meeting formats for those who are busy, no longer live in Oklahoma, or prefer remote consultations for other reasons. For example, we’ve had some clients who worked with us exclusively over the phone, video calls, email, and text message without ever meeting in our office. 

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Invest in Yourself Today

If you’re ready to invest in your future by erasing your past, then take our free Expungement Eligibility Quiz to see if you’re a candidate for an expungement. You can also click HERE to schedule a Zoom or phone meeting on our calendar at a time that's convenient for you.

